More than Just the Lightbulb (class response)

Yes, Thomas Edison invented more than just the lightbulb. Many people only know him for his revolutionary invention of the Incandescent Lightbulb but little do most people know that he has 1,093 patents. Some inventions you probably have never heard of are the Phonogram, Kinetoscope, and the Tasimeter. In the music section of our mass media unit, Mr. Miller talked about the Phonograph. When he first brought it up, I had no clue that Thomas Edison had more creations. I later learned that the Phonograph was a machine that could record and play back sound. In the beginning, sound was scratched onto paper tape cylinders by a needle. The paper tape didn't last long because the quality deteriorated quickly. Then, metal cylinders were used because they lasted longer than the pervious model.
Mr. Miller also touched on the fact that Thomas Edison had many inventions but the majority of them were not created by him. Edison owned labs and hired people to work in them. When the workers came up with a new product, he slapped his name on it. I think that this was unfair of him to do because he didn't put in any work but got credit for it. The true deservers are the workers in his lab who used their brainpower to design new commodities for the world. 


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