A More than Rough Week (News Response)

This past week has been scary to say the least. Multiple pipe bombs were sent to prominant democrattic leaders, two were shot and killed a Louisville Kroger, and 11 were shot and killed at a synogogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Two of these events really hit home for me. One being the Kroger shooting because I live in Louisville and it's frightening to realize that this happened in my sweet hometown. The other horrific event that affected me was the synagogue shooting because I am Jewish and to think that someone hates what I stand for and believe in is also frightening, especially to a 14 year old.
While watching the news Sunday night, the majority of the newscast focused on the two shootings which were very important to me. Wave 3 did a good, thorough job of reporting the facts from both stories but they need to include more of the reaction of the people, like what we as a community are doing to work toward eliminating this issue. Wave 3 has the "what" down but they need to now focus on adding the "so what" to their news.      


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